Thursday, June 23, 2011

starting a great weekend in a big way.

I often (read: always) find myself perusing the ice cream section at the grocery store.  

Even when I have a newly purchased ice cream maker getting to temperature in my freezer.

Even when said ice cream maker can barely fit in my tiny freezer because I already have four other varieties taking up precious real estate. 

But when I came across Ben and Jerry's newest variety earlier today...honestly...what's a girl to do?

And it's sort of an unwritten rule that I get a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with every trip down the ice cream aisle. You know, "for the table".

I'm off to North Carolina in the morning to watch two wonderful people get married. And, quite honestly, I can't think of a better way to start off what is sure to be a very memorable weekend.

Happy weekend, everyone!

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